Underneath a thousand skies

Hello dear readers,
today I got some new props from anc and had to try them out right away!
Also, I finally made it to Ninety-Nine. I know, I know: I'm pretty late. I've been moving in SL to another land and my head got stuck in deep concentration for decorating. I still hope you'll enjoy this blog post.
Oh, have you guys been to WillowVale yet?
The event opened on the 21st of September and will be closed on the 21st of October.
I started exploring today and I have to say: It's amazing! Don't miss to go on this fully voiced quest-hunt for kids. Also this round they did a great job with the quests and the price for the HUD is completely worth it!
Maybe I'll be lucky enough to meet some of you there, so we can go questing together!
This is my outfit:
Body: *Toddleedoo* - Baby Boy - Mainstore
Cardigan: {Little Miss} - Cardi Coat w/ Vest - Navy *BABY - Mainstore
Pants: <:*BoOgErS*:> - Knit Pants Babby - Mainstore
Shoes: <:*BoOgErS*:> - Hi-Tops Babby - Mainstore
Finger Bandaids: Toasty - Bento Bend-Aids - Mainstore
Goggles: Remarkable Oblivion - Sandstorm - WarTorn - Half - Mainstore
Nose Bandaid: [MeshMerized] - Nose Bandaid - grey circles - Mainstore
Pose: RKkids - Sasha_4 - Marketplace
Plane wreck: DRD - post apoc camp crashed plane - Mainstore
Paper Planes: {anc} - paper plane / curve {air} 1Li - Mainstore
Petals: {anc} - PetalRain/A - [orange] - Mainstore
Mist: {anc} - mist cloud [sungold] - Mainstore
I hope you'll enjoy this Blogpost.
Stay unique.
~ Hikaru